Milton Township Democratic Slate
The Milton Democratic slate 8 of proven professionals will provide leadership at this challenging moment in history. They are ready to ensure the efficient and responsible governing of Milton Township.
Officer Candidate Bios
Buffy Higgins-Beard
Township Supervisor Candidate
Township Supervisor Candidate
Elizabeth “Buffy” Higgins-Beard is an experienced leader of local, regional and national nonprofits. She is a 40+ year DuPage County resident who grew up in Naperville and has resided in Wheaton for over 20 years raising her family.
Buffy has a 25+ year career of helping others, leading teams to bring about change for families. She has experience managing large budgets and facilities as well as bringing teams together to tackle seemingly irretractable problems. Whether in the inner city of Chicago, at a DuPage wide nonprofit, or most recently as CEO at a new national office, Buffy offers strategic leadership grounded in needs-based assessment, optimism, and movement towards an innovative vision of what can be.
As a community volunteer, Buffy has offered leadership to Drake University National Alumni & Chapter Boards, Girl Scouts, Scouting America Three Fires & Pathway to Adventure Councils, Northwestern’s IRB at CDH & Alliance for Research in Chicagoland Communities, Unitarian Universalist Society of Geneva, DuPage Foundation’s Arts DuPage, and United Way’s Neighborhood Network led by WEGO.
Elizabeth “Buffy” Higgins-Beard is running for Township Supervisor to provide solid leadership, a focus on budgeting, improve communications, and ensure quality, coordinated programs and partnerships are in place for our neighbors via the Township.
Chris LeVan Township Assessor Candidate
.Why I am Running: As your three-term incumbent Milton Township Assessor, I am seeking reelection because I remain firmly committed to serving our community with integrity, transparency, and dedication. Over the course of my tenure, I have worked diligently to provide fair and accurate property assessments, fostering trust and equity among all property owners and contributing to our township’s economic growth. My extensive experience and proven track record have allowed me to streamline processes, improve efficiency, and implement modern tools to better serve our residents and property owners. I believe in open communication and have consistently made myself available to address concerns and answer questions from property owners. With your continued support, I aim to build on these successes and further enhance our township's assessment process, ensuring every resident and property owner receives the professionalism and fairness they deserve.
Elected/Appointed Offices Held: Three-term Milton Township Assessor; Two-term Village of Winfield Trustee; Twelve years as a Winfield Fire Commissioner, including ten years as Chairman; Served two years as a Winfield Plan Commissioner and Former member and Chairman of the Milton Township Ethics Commission.
Professional: Fifteen years as a Regional Operational District Manager for Dominick’s Finer Foods and six years as head of the Real Estate Department, overseeing site selection and acquisition. Owner of a food service company from 1989 to 2000 and an equity trader from 2000 to 2014. Former member of the Knights of Columbus and Supporter of Disabled American Veterans, achieving Commander status.
Michael H. Drew Highway Commissioner Candidate
Business Representative of the Operating Engineers Local 150, resides in Wheaton
Why am I Running: I believe that highway department is not operating at maximum capacity. The department has been operating the same way for 20 years. New technology would improve the production if implemented properly. I have come realize from talking to the community that their concerns are not being heard and especially not being addressed. I will improve communication between the department and the community.
Elected/ Appointed Offices Held: Democratic Precinct Committeeperson
Personal: I grew up in Glen Ellyn. I attended Ben Franklin, Hadley Jr. High and graduated from Glenbard West in 1986. I’ve been married to my wife for 33 years. Our 2 children graduated from Wheaton Warrenville South. We have lived in Wheaton for the last 25 years.
Professional: I have worked as an operating engineer (heavy equipment operator) for the past 35 years. During that time, I worked on roads, buildings, and utilities. I spent 6 years as assistant coordinator in charge of a 14-million-dollar budget and 60 employees. The past 13 years I’ve been a Business Representative for IUOE Local 150.
Dan Bailey, RN Clerk Candidate
Why I am Running: We need our township government to be open and transparent. I feel that I can help because of my lifetime of experience working to benefit the common good. I think we all do better when we work together and watch out for each other. I have been a leader for workplace health and safety holding official positions in union locals and other groups. This motivation will help keep me focused on why we are elected which is - to serve the residents, our neighbors. As Township Clerk I promise accurate complete information that is easy to understand, easy to find and promptly posted. I will work with the township team to improve efficiency and maximize benefits to constituents
Education Associates in General Studies 93 and Associates in Applied Nursing 2008 both from College of DuPage
Elected/Appointed Office Held: Democratic Precinct Committeeperson since 1988.
Professional: I worked in local factories then railroads. I retired after over 30 years as a Railroad Engineer on the Burlington Northern and then the Wisconsin Central Railroads. Then I became a registered nurse in 2008 working in long term care and at the local free clinic, DuPage Community Clinic, DCC, from 2010 to 2013.
Personal: I grew up in DuPage as the oldest of 9 siblings in Villa Park and Elmhurst went to St A’s and Visitation grade schools and Montini High School. After a decade in Cook, I moved back to DuPage County in 87. With their mother I raised my 3 daughters in Wheaton. I have 5 grandchildren. I enjoy Tai Chi and biking the Prairie Path. My favorite is the West Branch DuPage River Trail. Looking forward to the East Branch trail opening.
Volunteerism: Active in social justice, environmental and union causes most of my life. Various local official roles in unions including Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers (BLE) Division 645 Secretary Treasurer, BLE Division 32 Legislative Representative and founding President of BLE Division 184 where we started a union on the largest nonunion railroad in America. Past President of District 19 of Illinois Nurses Association. Current member of National Nurses United union. Board Member CACOSH, Chicago Area Committee on Occupational Safety and Health, in the 90’s. Volunteered for reform political group, IVIIPO, in Little Village in 83 through the 90’s. Active in political campaigns for reform and good government in Wheaton area since 1988. Member and past Religious Education Instructor at DuPage Unitarian Universalist Church in Naperville Volunteer at PRC food pantry and later at DCC from 2008 to 2010.
Trustee Candidate Bios
Paula McGowan
I am running because we deserve leaders who prioritize taxpayers, listen to the community, and take decisive action to ensure government accountability. For too long, wasteful spending and a lack of oversight have gone unchecked, and it is time for a change.
Over the years, I have attended countless Milton Township meetings, often as the only resident in the room. What I witnessed was deeply troubling: irresponsible spending and a glaring absence of oversight from our current Republican Trustees. But I did not just sit back and watch—I acted.
I reached out to the community, exposing how our hard-earned tax dollars were being misused. I shared the facts, and my message struck a chord. Residents began to take notice, attend meetings, and ask the tough questions which were long overdue. Together, we started holding our local government accountable.
One of my proudest achievements has been leading the effort to stop a $70 million extension to the DuPage County Jail—an unnecessary and wasteful project which would have placed an unfair burden on taxpayers. By advocating for a study, we demonstrated that the addition and expense were unjustified, successfully halting this extravagant and needless proposal.
I will continue to fight against wasteful spending, champion transparency, and ensure every decision serves the best interests of the taxpayers. Together, we can build a stronger, more transparent, and fiscally responsible township.
Jacqueline McGrath
A community college teacher, researcher, and union leader whose experience in assessment, organizing, and board governance will help make Milton Township more responsive and focused on community needs. Jacqueline was born and raised in Illinois, and completed an M.A. and Ph.D. in English at the University of Missouri. In addition to over two decades working as a professor at College of DuPage, she has served on various state boards and councils, including Company of Folk, the Illinois Education Association Board of Directors, the Illinois Senate Joint Resolution 41 Advisory Committee, and the Illinois P20 Council.
Jacqueline believes public service requires individual skill, training, and collaboration, and her background in qualitative fieldwork research brings a unique set of listening skills, data collection, and analysis to bear on the work of a Trustee. "I know the Township services could be improved based on more input from the people who use them, and I think Trustees should create more opportunities for feedback, to build on what is working and better align budget priorities with Township mandates and long term planning. As a Trustee, my highest priority would be to improve access for more people in our community to high-quality and meaningful services."
Larry L Pitts
Retired Foodservice Training/Service Center Manager, lives in Wheaton
Why I am Running: I want to make sure all the of the residents of Milton Township are served by the township. Some members of our community are still suffering financially and emotionally due to the pandemic. We need to communicate to our constituents that assistance is available to those that qualify. The ramifications of the pandemic will be felt for years to come, and we must be ready to fill the void for those in dire need.
Education: BA in Music Ed and MA Vocal Performance, Fresno State University
Elected/Appointed Office Held: Democratic Precinct Committeeperson
Personal: My wife and I have been married for over 51 years. We have lived in Wheaton since July of 1979. Our 5 children graduated from Wheaton Central. We moved to Wheaton from Fresno, CA. We chose Wheaton for racial diversity, schools, rail transportation and affordable housing costs.
Professional: Vietnam veteran US Navy, Catapult Operator USS Hancock, an aircraft carrier. High School music teacher. Manufacturing management positions. Retired with over thirty years in business and manufacturing. Research and development lab manager, Equipment Service Manager, Service and Training Center manager for General Foods, Equipment Development manager for General Foods/Kraft Foods. 32 years as a professional member of the Chicago Symphony Chorus and a current member of the American Guild of Musical Artists.
Steve Siemer
Why I am running: It’s time for a fresh look at the township programs, structure and efficacy. With my financial, analytical & operations background at a variety of organizations, good & bad, I can bring a unique perspective to township government. I will be an advocate for all the taxpayers of Milton Township.
Experience and Credentials: I have over 35 years’ experience working in financial services organizations driving change and improving performance from the inside and outside. I am a CPA who has worked as an auditor, controller, chief operating officer, management information Vice President and management consultant.
I hold an BS in Accounting from the University of Illinois – Urbana.
Community Involvement – Past and Present: Wheaton Library Board; Wheaton Environmental Improvement Commission; Cub Scout Troop #163, Longfellow; Boy Scout Troop #23, First Presbyterian Church Wheaton; Church Elder, First Presbyterian Church Wheaton; Wheaton Infant Welfare; Christmas Sharing, First Presbyterian Church Wheaton
About me: I have been married for 42 years, and my wife and I have lived in Wheaton the last 31 years, raising our 3 children here. All our children attended CUSD 200 schools, graduated from college and are out on their own, a tribute to the opportunities available in our community.
Who's on your ballot?
Where to Vote:
Consolidated Election April 1, 2025